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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2012
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:        
W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, A. Bonofiglio O. Lies, J. Head, S. Carlson, J. Mikalak

Others Present: 
Deb Sciascia, Recording Secretary,
        Dan Hazen, DPW

7:00 PM:  W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.

W. Ritter introduced John Mikalak as the new Planning Board member.

7:00 p.m., PUBLIC HEARING, Site Plan Review / Special Permit, Extension of Time, Jefferson Mill, Mill Pond, LLC, 47 Condominium Units:  W. Ritter read the Public Hearing Notice into record.  The Governor amended the Economic Stimulus Bill.  Projects with an approval between the dates of August 14, 2008 and August 15, 2010 were given a four-year extension of time (providing an additional two years onto the original two year extension).

Because of this, the approval for the Jefferson Mill Site Plan / Special Permit has been extended to October, 2012, allowing the applicant to apply for an Extension of Time to the existing permit in lieu of a new filing.  No details of the approved plans are changing, and the applicant has requested an extension of time for the maximum amount of time the Board sees fit.  P. Harding suggested a two year extension.

Mark Hulton, Andrysik Land Surveying, conducted the presentation and project summary.  This project was previously approved in 2005.

Public Comment(s):
  • Scott Morrison, 12 Briarcliff Ln:  Representing White Oaks Society, gave P. Harding a copy of the letter addressing their portion of damn repairs.  They have tried to contact Mill Pond to do their portion of dam safety work, but have not got any response.  He explained what repairs needed to be done.  A dam inspection report was done about 3 years ago, and was also sent to Mill Pond, with no response.
Board Comment(s):
  • O. Lies:  Recommends no action until the Board can comment on issues brought up at tonight’s meeting.
O. Lies motioned to continue the Public Hearing to October 23, 2012, so that the developer can submit a request for an extension of time.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  All in favor, vote 7-0.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.  Jefferson Mill, Site Plan, 1665 Main Street, Holden, MA, Owner: Heath Properties, 301 Columbus Ave. Suite 2, Boston, MA 02116, Plan dated 8/16/05.  Town of Holden Planning Board, Site Plan/Special Permit/Mill Pond Place, September 27, 2005.

7:15 p.m., PUBLIC HEARING, Preliminary Subdivision, Winter Ridge Inc., LLC, Salisbury Street:  W. Ritter read the Public Notice into record.  He explained the difference between a preliminary and definitive plan.  The applicant is filing a preliminary subdivision plan for a future Open Space Residential Development.  The Board-has the as-of-right subdivision layout, as well as the cluster subdivision layout, for review.

The yield plan depicts 46 lots under conventional zoning.  The OSRD plan provides a 20% density bonus for the preservation of open space above the required 50%, as well as the construction of hiking trails to permit 55 units.

Public Comment(s):
Michael Dryden, introduced himself as Sr. Project Mannager, Waterman Design Associates:

W. Ritter explained that this plan falls under the new By law of exchanging more lots in exchange for Open Space.

The Cluster Development proposes an emergency access only roadway connecting to January Lane, details on the restricted access are not included in the application.  A traffic study, environmental assessment, stormwater and density calculations, will be required for the definitive filing.  This is the first filing under this Bylaw since it was adopted at the 2012 Town Meeting.

Public Comment(s):
  • Ron Packard, 861 Salisbury St:  Asked about endangered species, and how the nearest house was to the street (500 feet).
Board Comment(s):
  • D. Lindberg stated that for a preliminary plan, it looks like a good start.
  • J. Milalak:  Asked if any thought had been given to keeping the trails open.
  • O. Lies:  Would not support this high density development.
  • S. Carlson:  Said it sounds like the applicant wants to transfer responsibility to the town, for the pumping station, sewer and water.  The town has 28 pump stations, and they have to be inspected and maintained everyday.
W. Ritter discussed the waivers listed in the letter from Waterman Design Associates, Inc., dated August 28, 2012, that the applicant is requesting.  P. Harding has already spoken to the Fire Chief, who requested another point of entry, and the use of the island area for emergency vehicles.  .  D. Nason from engineering would like to see more information.  P. Harding stated they would not likely support the retaining walls.  The roadway width of 28’ is standard.

Public Comment(s):
  • A resident asked what type of houses they wanted to build.  She was told that they were going to be about ¼ acre lots.
  • John Laviolette, 800 Salisbury St:  Wanted to know where these kids would be going to school.
W. Ritter address the board stating that the Board would need to make a decision regarding the waivers etc.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to continue the Public Hearing to October 9, 2012.  D. Lindberg seconded.  Vote 6-0-1, all in favor.  O. Lies will not be in attendance for that meeting.

P. Harding will get something in writing from the Fire Chief.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.   Preliminary Subdivision, Salisbury Street, Winter Ridge Limited Partnership, 1500 Worcester Road, Framingham, MA 01581.


Stoney Brook Estates, C.B. Blair Builders, Inc., R-20 Zoning District:  The applicant is amending a lot line of a definitive subdivision to accommodate a buyer.  Both lots meet the required area and frontage of the zoning district.  The plan has already been endorsed.

O. Lies motioned to approve as submitted.  D. Lindberg seconded.  Vote 7-0, all in favor.  APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.  ANR, Stoney Brook Estates LLC, 87 Main Street, Rutland MA, Plan dated 8/16/12.

District 244 Bailey Road, Mark Ferguson, R-40 Zoning District:  The Applicant is amending existing lot lines to accommodate the construction of a new home and septic system.  Due to the lot requirements, the lot does not conform to zoning.  The applicant could go for an easement.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.  ANR, Mark Ferguson, 242 & 244 Bailey Road, Holden MA 01520, Plan dated 9/26/12.


54 Cook Street, Variance Exterior Sideyard Setback, Richard & Lois Dahlin:  D. Lindberg recused himself from this issue.  The applicant is seeking a variance from the 30’ exterior side yard setback requirement of the R-2 Zoning District to permit the construction of a garage.  The garage is proposed 14.6’ from the side yard lot line.

J. Head motioned no recommendation due to no planning significance.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 6-0-1.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.  Variance, Richard Dahlin, 54 Cook St., Holden, MA 01520, Plan dated 7/13/12.

36 Holly Circle, Variance Side and Rear Yard Setback, David & Kimberly Rizk:  The applicant is applying for a variance from the rear yard setback requirement to allow for the installation of an in-ground swimming pool.  The property is located in the R-40 zoning district.  However, R-1 setbacks apply because it is a cluster subdivision.

J. Head motioned no recommendation due to limited planning significance.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 7-0, all in favor.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office. Variance,  David W. & Kimberley Zizk, 36 Holly Circle, Holden MA 01520, Plan dated 8/1/12.

  • June 12, 2012:  D. Lindberg motioned to approve.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  J. Mikalak abstained from the vote.  Vote 6-0-1.  APPROVED.
  • June 26, 2012:  A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve.  D. Lindberg seconded.  S. Carlson and J. Mikalak abstained from the vote.  Vote 5-0-2.  APPROVED.
  • July 31, 2012:  D. Lindberg motioned to approve changing the meeting location to the ‘Senior Center’.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  J. Head, S. Carlson, and J. Mikalak abstained from the vote.  Vote 4-0-3.  APPROVED.
  • A. Bonofiglio informed the Board that he may need to resign to due a conflicting schedule.
  • S. Carlson:  Stated that in Stoney Brook Estates, the roadway just stops at one of the houses.
  • The Board welcomed John Mikalak, who asked if it was ok to visit some of the sites.  W. Ritter said to feel free to walk around.
  • O. Lies:
  • Recommends the Board take a good look at Winter Ridge Estates.
  • Welcomed John Mikalak.
  • CMRPC:  Reminded the Board that the ‘ethics certificates’ were due every 2 years.
  • Informed the Board the Master Plan Implementation Committee has asked to be dissolved.
  • Thanked P. Harding for going to CMRPC Regional meeting in Sturbridge.
  • Wished to have an update on the Industrial Park and the pharmaceutical company interested in going in.  The Reed Rico building is still open and has some contamination issues.
NEXT MEETING:  October 9, 2012

O. Lies motioned to adjourn.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:55 PM.

September 25, 2012 Minutes approved:    November 13, 2012       

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary